§ 6.76.260. Sales, weight and delivery tickets—Coal and fuel products regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person with a fixed place of business selling coal or fuel products, coke, charcoal or briquette, sand, gravel and crushed stone, to be delivered in the metropolitan government area, shall provide the driver of the delivery vehicle with a ticket bearing the names of the seller, driver and weigher, description of the commodity, gross weight, tare weight, net weight and the name and address of the purchaser.


    All sales of coal shall be made by the ton or fraction thereof, and a ton shall consist of two thousand pounds actual weight. Coal and other fuel products may be sold in bags or sacks, provided the net weight of the contents is clearly stenciled on the bag or written on a tag attached thereto; provided, that when, because of national emergency or other generally recognized economic condition, it becomes impossible to procure bags or sacks on the open market, wood or metal hampers may be used in lieu of bags or sacks when such wood or metal hampers have been approved for use by the sealer of weights and measures, who is authorized to select a stamp or other suitable method for identifying such approved hamper.


    In the sale of these articles, a hundred weight shall consist of one hundred pounds avoirdupois, and a ton shall consist of two thousand pounds weight. All persons not maintaining a place of business for the sale of these articles, who shall make deliveries within the metropolitan government area, shall provide the driver of the conveyance with a weight certificate to be issued by a licensed weigher, showing that such load has been weighed by the licensed weigher, and this certificate shall show gross, tare and net weight. A copy of this ticket shall be delivered to the purchaser, together with a delivery ticket showing the seller, driver, name of purchaser and description of load.

(Ord. 89-1038 § 4, 1989; prior code § 42-1-24)