§ 6.80.420. Inspection and maintenance of vehicles—Compliance required.  

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  • A.

    1. Prior to the time any license shall become effective and a wrecker permit issued under the provisions of this chapter, an inspection shall be made or caused to be made by the commission of each wrecker to be operated by such licensee to determine if such wrecker complies with the laws of the metropolitan government, the State of Tennessee, the United States and the rules and regulations of the commission. The rules and regulations adopted by the commission shall be promulgated to provide safe transportation of any vehicle to be towed or conveyed by the wrecker and shall specify such safety equipment and regulatory devices as the commission shall deem necessary therefor.


    If, upon inspection, the commission determines that a wrecker complies with applicable laws and its rules and regulations, the commission may issue a wrecker permit as herein provided. The commission shall have the right to suspend, revoke, place on probation or fail to renew such wrecker permit if, at any time, the licensee fails to maintain a wrecker in a proper condition, including the safety equipment regulatory devices required by the commission or, if he allows any driver or driver helper to operate, ride in or assist in the operation of such wrecker without first having obtained a driver's permit from the commission or, by allowing any driver or driver helper to operate a wrecker where the commission has revoked the individual's driver's permit. In causing an inspection to be made, the commission, by rules and regulations, may require a wrecker to be inspected by an agency or garage approved by the commission and may require the licensee to exhibit and file with the commission a certificate from such agency or garage that such wrecker has been inspected and meets all lawful requirements.


    Upon the issuance of a license and one or more wrecker permits, the commission shall inspect or cause to be inspected each wrecker of the licensee at least once every six months thereafter to ensure the continued maintenance of all wreckers in compliance with applicable laws and rules and regulations of the commission. If any wrecker shall fail to meet the requirements as set out by the commission, then the commission may direct that such wrecker be removed from service and, upon failure of the licensee to so remove it, such failure shall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of the license.

(Ord. 96-612 § 1 (part), 1996)