§ 6.80.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

    "Cruising" means the driving of a wrecker on the streets, alleys, roads, highways and thoroughfares within the area of the metropolitan government in a fashion or manner calculated for the purpose of soliciting business.

    "Driver" means any person driving a wrecker on the streets, alleys, roads, highways and thoroughfares within the area of the metropolitan government.

    "Driver helper" means any person riding with a driver or assisting him in the operation of the wrecker on the streets, alleys, roads, highways and thoroughfares within the area of the metropolitan government.

    "Driver's permit" means a permit required and issued by the transportation licensing commission to a driver or driver helper in order to drive or ride in a wrecker on the streets, alleys, roads, highways or thoroughfares within the area of the metropolitan government.

    "Emergency wrecker service" means the removal of motor vehicles from the streets, alleys, roads, highways and thoroughfares within the area of the metropolitan government when there is an emergency situation as defined by Section 6.80.510.

    "License" means a license issued by the transportation licensing commission authorizing the holder thereof to engage in the business of towing, transporting, conveying or removal of vehicles from one point to another within the area of the metropolitan government. A license can either authorize the holder thereof to engage in the business of providing wrecker services or emergency wrecker services.

    "Nonconsent tow" or "nonconsent towing" is towing without the prior consent or authorization of the owner or operator of the vehicle to be towed. Typically, it is categorized as police or trespass towing.

    "Rate card" means a card issued by the transportation licensing commission for display in each emergency wrecker which contains the mandatory maximum fees or charges then in effect.

    "Rates and charges" mean any charges assessed for transporting, towing, conveying or storing a vehicle by an emergency wrecker service.

    "Transportation licensing commission" means the transportation licensing commission of the metropolitan government created and existing by virtue of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, Sections 2.100.010 through 2.100.060 and is referred to in this chapter as the "commission."

    "Unauthorized vehicle" means a vehicle parked on private property without the consent of the owner of the property or his agent or the lessee of the property.

    "Wrecker" means a motor vehicle constructed on a truck chassis with lifting devices operated by mechanical power and employed or used for the purpose of towing, transporting, conveying or removing any and all kinds of vehicles which are unable to be or actually are not operated under their own power.

    "Wrecker permit" means a permit required and issued by the commission to a licensee for each wrecker operated by the licensee under the authority of a license.

    "Wrecker service" means the towing, transporting, conveying or removal of vehicles from one point to another within the area of the metropolitan government.

(Ord. BL2000-247 §§ 1, 2, 2000; Ord. 96-612 § 1 (part), 1996)