§ 6.81.020. Applications—Conditions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person desiring to engage in the business of providing booting services within the area of the metropolitan government shall make application to the commission, which application shall be upon forms to be adopted and provided by the commission. The completed application must contain all the information required by such form and must be verified under oath.


    The form to be adopted and provided by the commission shall require such information as the commission determines to be necessary and proper, including, but not limited to, the following:


    The full name and address of the person, firm or corporation desiring to obtain a license and whether he is the owner, lessee or bailee of the proposed booting operation;


    The location and description of the place and premises from which the applicant intends to operate a booting service;


    The names and addresses of at least two references as to the applicant's financial responsibility;


    That the applicant is of good moral character and is ready, willing and able to comply with all the laws of the metropolitan government, the State of Tennessee, the United States and the rules and regulations of the commission;


    That the applicant will list with the commission the names, home addresses and ages of all employees to be used or employed by the applicant in the business of providing a booting service, with the exception of part-time or emergency employees whose names will be furnished once a month. The applicant will update the list upon each renewal of his/her license;


    That the applicant will take out and maintain in full force and effect such policies of insurance as are herein required;


    The applicant will comply with the mandatory rates and charges as herein provided and as may hereafter be adopted by the commission.


    The applicant will be twenty-one years of age.


    Criminal Background Investigation. Upon receiving an application for a license from an applicant, the applicant must undergo an identification and background check as required by state law as more specifically provided by rule and regulations adopted by the MTLC. Upon receipt of the background check report, the MTLC Director shall determine whether the applicant's background check disqualifies him or her from eligibility for an employee's permit/license.


    Application Approval and Disapproval. Upon disapproval of license application by the MTLC Director, the applicant may file an appeal with the MTLC within thirty days of denial and request an appearance before the MTLC. The appeal shall be heard by the MTLC at the next available commission meeting with the appellant appearing in person for consideration of the application.


    New Application after Denial. Upon denial of an application for a license, no new application shall be considered for a period of three months.

(Ord. BL2017-728 § 1, 2017; Ord. BL2009-525 § 2, 2009)