§ 6.88.060. Permit—Issuance, form and fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    After the application for a permit in the manner and form as provided in Section 6.88.040 and the bond provided for in Section 6.88.050 have been filed and approved by the metropolitan collections officer, it shall then be the duty of the metropolitan collections officer to next ascertain if the applicant has paid all privilege taxes due the city to conduct such sale, and, in addition, the applicant will pay to the metropolitan government an amount equal to twice the amount fixed by law as a privilege tax for a transient merchant. If such taxes have been paid by the applicant, it shall then be the duty of the metropolitan collections officer to issue a permit to the applicant on the following form:

    State of Tennessee,
    Metropolitan Government of Nashville
      and Davidson County.

      The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County hereby permits _______ to conduct an auction sale at _______ in the Urban Services District of said Metropolitan Government, between the dates of _______ and _______, 19___, in accordance with the application of _______ for this permit, a copy of which application for a permit is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

      This _______ day of _______, 19___.

    Metropolitan Collections Officer


    The metropolitan collections officer shall attach to the permit a copy of the application made therefor.


    Such a permit shall authorize the holder thereof to conduct an auction for six consecutive days, Sundays and holidays excepted; provided, that a permit shall not be issued to the same applicant, or for the same business, more than once in any period of twelve months; provided further, that no permit shall be issued for any auction sale involving the sale of any articles mentioned in Section 6.84.030 to be held during the month of December in any year.


    The applicant shall pay a fee to the metropolitan collections officer of five dollars for the issuance of the permit, which sum shall by the metropolitan collections officer be paid into the general fund of the metropolitan government.

(Prior code § 9-2-15)