§ 6.92.010. License required—Fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful for any person, in the urban services district, to advertise or conduct any sale of goods, wares or merchandise at retail that is represented as bankrupt, insolvent, assignee, adjuster, trustee, executor, administrator, receiver or manufacturer's close-out, liquidation, fire or water damage sale, or any other sale which, by representation or advertising, is intended to lead the public to believe that the person conducting such sale is selling out the merchandise at a sacrifice price without first obtaining and filing with the Davidson County clerk a "closing-out sale license."


    The fee for such license shall be twenty-five dollars for each day such sale is conducted. The license fee herein set out shall not be assessed against any bona fide merchant who has been engaged in business in the urban services district for at least two years prior to time of such sale and who has paid his privilege and ad valorem taxes during such time, provided such sale is not conducted for more than a period of forty-five days in any one year.

(Ord. 93-791 § 1, 1993; prior code § 24-2-18)