§ 7.16.050. Premises—Ground floor, entrances and exits.  

Latest version.
  • No wholesaler or retailer shall be located except on the ground floor and shall have one main entrance opening on a public street. Such place of business shall have no other entrance for use by the public, except as hereafter provided. When a wholesale or retail store is located on the corner of two public streets, such wholesale or retail store may maintain a door opening on each of the public streets; provided, that any salesroom adjoining the lobby of a hotel or other public building may maintain an additional door into such lobby, so long as same shall be open to the public. Every wholesale and retail store shall be provided with whatever entrances and exits may be required by existing or future provisions of this code or other ordinances. The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to an artisan distillery as defined in Section 17.04.060 of the metropolitan code.

(Ord. BL2011-863 § 2, 2011; prior code § 5-2-17)