§ 7.16.110. Location restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Except as provided in subsection G. of this section, no certificate of compliance shall be issued under this chapter to any retailer where the place of business of the applicant is located within fifty yards of a private residence or a branch of the Nashville Public Library, which is on the same side of the street of the proposed retail store, or is within one hundred yards of any place of worship or two hundred yards of a schoolground or college campus. These restrictions as to locations apply to conditions existing at the present. Changes in such conditions shall not entitle or forbid the location of liquor stores by reason of such unless otherwise provided by ordinance.


    1. A "private residence" is defined as a house or dwelling wherein not more than two families reside and shall not include an apartment house having facilities for housing more than two families, nor a boarding or roominghouse where there are five or more boarders or roomers.


    Schools and colleges shall not include private colleges or schools wherein only specialized subjects, such as law, stenography, business, music, art, medicine, dentistry, vocational occupations and other special subjects are taught.


    In determining the distances from any private residence or branch of the Nashville Public Library or place of worship, the distance shall be measured from the center of the main entrance of such structure and following the usual and customary path of pedestrian travel to the center of the main entrance of the proposed retail liquor store.


    In determining distance from any schoolground or college campus, the distance shall be measured from the nearest location of such schoolground or college campus to the center of the main entrance of the proposed retail liquor store following the usual and customary path of pedestrian travel.


    No certificate of compliance shall be issued to any retail liquor dealer where the place of business of the applicant is located within two hundred yards of another retail liquor store, such measurement being determined by projecting a line from the entrance of the store to the middle of the street and then measuring from that point to the new location; provided, that nothing in this subsection shall prohibit or in any manner limit or affect the renewal of any retail certificate of compliance and the continuation of the operation of any retail liquor store licensed and in operation on May 1, 1968. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to an artisan distillery as defined in Section 17.04.060 of the metropolitan code.


    No certificate of compliance for the retail sale of liquor shall be issued where the applicant's proposed retail liquor store adjoins, abuts or is adjacent to an existing branch of the Nashville Public Library, a place of worship or school.


    No certificate of compliance shall be issued under this chapter to any retailer where the place of business of the applicant is located within fifty yards of any place of worship within the boundaries of Fifth Avenue North to the west, Church Street to the north, the Cumberland River to the east, and Broadway to the south.

(Ord. BL2017-654 § 7, 2017; Ord. BL2011-863 § 4, 2011; Ord. BL2010-617 § 2, 2010; Ord. 90-1339 § 1 (5-23), 1990; prior code § 5-2-49)