§ 2.222.030. Disclosure.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In an effort to advance the favorable opinion of the public in the integrity of government, the disclosure requirements contained in this section shall apply to the following employees: (1) the mayor; (2) all employees in the mayor's office, including the members of the mayor's cabinet; (3) the metropolitan council office; (4) the holders of all elected offices authorized or created by the Metropolitan Charter; (5) all directors, executive directors, assistant directors, and associate directors of metropolitan government agencies, boards, and commissions, but not including Nashville Electric Service, the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency and the Metropolitan Transit Authority.


    Annual disclosures:


    On or before January 31 of each year, each employee included in subsection A. of this section shall file with the metropolitan clerk an annual disclosure statement setting forth the information requested therein as of and for the year ended December 31 of the preceding year.


    Said disclosure may be filed either electronically or in written paper form.


    For disclosure statements filed in paper form, the statement must be personally signed by the employee and attested as being true to the best of that employee's information and belief. Further, the statement shall include the signature of one witness attesting that the form was signed in the presence of the witness, but form need not be notarized before it is submitted.


    For disclosure statements filed electronically, the disclosure statement must include the printed first and last name of the employee who shall indicate on the form that the information contained therein is true to the best of that employee's information and belief. Further, the statement shall include the first and last name of one witness attesting that the employee's name was entered on the electronic form in the presence of the witness.


    In completing the disclosure form, the employee should recognize that the purpose of the disclosure is to alleviate reasonable concerns, justified or not, of the public concerning possible conflicts and influences upon the employee's exercise of his or her official discretion. In situations involving ambiguity as to the application of the requested information to the facts of an employee's situation, the disclosure statement should be completed in all material respects, reasonably consistent with this intent.


    Each employee shall amend his or her current disclosure statement within thirty days of the occurrence of any material change to the disclosures.


    All disclosure statements filed pursuant to this section, and amendments thereto shall be maintained by the metropolitan clerk, readily available to the public.


    The annual disclosure statement shall require the information set forth in the following form:


    NAME: ___________   POSITION/OFFICE: ___________

    This Annual Disclosure Statement is submitted in compliance with Section 2.222.030 of the Metropolitan Code for the year ended December 31, _____.

    Use additional sheets of paper as necessary.


    List all sources of your income for the preceding calendar year.
    Gifts from family members and relatives by blood or marriage need not be disclosed.




    To the best of your knowledge, list all sources of income for your spouse for the preceding year.
    Gifts from family members and relatives by blood or marriage need not be disclosed.

    Sources: _____


    Do you or your spouse presently have a financial interest of at least 5% (five percent) of any business with operations, offices, or interests in the Metropolitan Nashville area?

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes:

    Yourself or Spouse: Business name and address: Percent of the interest, if known:



    Do you or your spouse have a direct or indirect financial interest in any real property located in Davidson County, including your primary residence? Indirect interests indicate interests of greater than 5% in Real Estate Investment Trusts, other trusts in which you hold a beneficial interest in excess of 5% and other legal entities whose primary business is real estate related.

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes:

    Name and address of the real property: _____


    Do you or your spouse hold any paid or unpaid position with any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, labor group, or educational or other institution which you have not already listed on this form?

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes:

    Person: Position: Entity:



    Do you or your spouse have a financial interest in, or are you or a family member a party to, any litigation involving the Metropolitan Government?

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes, describe each: _____


    Do you or your spouse have any* debts, guarantees, or endorsements of debts aggregating over $5,000 owed to any one creditor?

    *Excluding liabilities owed to a family member or relative by blood or marriage, and excluding loans from established financial institutions made in the ordinary course of business on usual and customary terms.

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes, describe each: _____


    Do you or your spouse have any debts in excess of $5,000 which are secured by a guarantee or collateral of any individual other than a family member or a relative by blood or marriage?

    _____ Yes     _____ No

    If Yes, describe each: _____

    The information provided herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete.

    Signature of Council Member


    Signature of Witness



    Annual benefits disclosures. In addition to the foregoing, each employee included in subsection A of this section shall file a benefits report, in form and substance as attached below, with the metropolitan clerk on or before January 31 for the year ended December 31 of the preceding year. The benefits disclosure statement shall include anything of value received by the employee during the previous year other than donations in connection with political campaigns made and reported in compliance with Tennessee election laws.


    Said benefits report may be filed either electronically or in written paper form. The metropolitan clerk, working with the department of information technology services, shall develop a method for electronic filing through the clerk's website.


    For benefits reports filed in paper form, the report must be personally signed by the employee and attested as being true to the best of that employee's information and belief. Further, the report shall include the signature of one witness.


    For benefits reports filed electronically, the report must include the printed first and last name of the employee who shall indicate on the form that the information contained therein is true to the best of that employee's information and belief. Further, the statement shall include the first and last name of one witness.


    The annual disclosure statement shall require the information set forth in the following form:


    EMPLOYEE NAME: ___________

    For the year ending December 31 ___ (year).

    Use additional sheets of paper as necessary.


    List Anything of Value you have received, as defined in Chapter 2.222 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, since your last Quarterly Reporting Form was submitted.


    Benefit type may be described by reference to the following abbreviations:

    M = Meals, food, and beverage items

    A = Admissions, tickets to events, or other access (including parking)

    T = Travel expense

    O = Other (describe)

    Source: Date: Benefit Type and Description: Value:


    The information provided herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete.

    Signature of Employee


    Signature of Witness


(Ord. BL2017-560 § 2, 2017; Ord. BL2012-110, §§ 1, 2, 2012; Amdts. 2, 5 to Ord. BL2007-1382 § 3, 2007; Ord. BL2007-1382 § 3, 2007)