§ 6.26.040. Construction.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Licenses and permits. The grantee shall have the sole responsibility for diligently obtaining, at its own cost and expense, all permits, licenses, or other forms of approval or authorization necessary to construct, operate, maintain or repair the system, and to construct, maintain and repair any part thereof prior to commencement of any such activity.

    Issuance of a permit by any agency of the metropolitan government as to the construction and installation of any portion of grantee's system does not waive other applicable requirements of federal or Tennessee law, and grantee shall comply with such other requirements.


    Subject to Police Power. The construction, expansion, reconstruction, excavation, use, maintenance and operation of the system shall be subject to all lawful police regulations of the metropolitan government and performed in accordance with all laws and regulations of the metropolitan government for utility location and excavation in public rights-of-way presently in effect or hereafter adopted. In addition to the duty under any other law or regulation of the metropolitan government, not less than seven days prior to filing of a request for a construction permit, grantee shall provide to the director of public works a copy of all the construction work plans and drawings for the system, or any segment or expansion thereof. Grantee shall not proceed with construction until the plans and drawings have been approved in writing by the above-listed metropolitan government official.

(Ord. 94-1103 § 4, 1994)