§ 6.80.550. Fees charged.  

Latest version.
  • The schedule of all maximum nonconsent wrecker service fees shall be posted in plain view at the location where vehicles are stored and recovered and inside each towing vehicle. In the event a service vehicle is summoned by the police and the service vehicle arrives at the scene to which summoned and assistance is offered but no longer needed, the maximum fee which may be charged shall be the established drop fee set forth at subsection G of this section.

    Rate Schedule for Nonconsent Towing at the Direction of a Law Enforcement Officer


    Vehicles Under Seven Thousand Pounds GVWR.




    Vehicles towed to the metro impound lot to and within the I-40/I-24/I-65 Loop; one hundred fifty-five dollars maximum. [No additional fees may be charged for using other equipment, including dollies, trailers, lifts, slim-jims, go-jacks, or for mileage* unless otherwise authorized].


    Vehicles towed to metro impound lot outside the I-40/I-24/I-65 Loop, to and including Briley Parkway/White Bridge Road/Woodmont Avenue/Thompson Lane Circle; one hundred sixty-five dollars maximum. [No additional fees may be charged for using other equipment, including dollies, trailers, lifts, slim-jims, go-jacks, or for mileage* unless otherwise authorized].


    Vehicles towed to metro impound lot from outside Briley Parkway/White Bridge Road/Woodmont Avenue/Thompson Lane Circle out to the Davidson County line; one hundred seventy-five dollars maximum. [No additional fees may be charged for using other equipment, including dollies, trailers, lifts, slim jims, go-jacks, or for mileage* unless otherwise authorized].


    Vehicles towed to company lot at the direction of a police officer; [No additional fees may be charged for using other equipment, including dollies, trailers, lifts, slim-jims, go-jacks, or for mileage* unless otherwise authorized].


    Vehicles involved in an
    accident ..... $175.00 maximum


    All other vehicles ..... $175.00 maximum


    Labor: Charges for labor, including winching, may be charged only after the first hour, and may not exceed a rate of one hundred fifty dollars per hour. If more than one wrecker is required to remove a vehicle, the rate chargeable for each additional wrecker may not exceed the base rate of one hundred fifty dollars per hour after the first hour.



    *Mileage charges may only be incurred for out-of county miles and only when towing at a police officer's request. This rate is not to exceed four dollars and fifty cents per mile.




    Vehicles Over Seven Thousand Pounds GVWR.


    Base Rates. Base rates apply in the following situations: "Towed vehicles" means those vehicles which can be driven, but are towed to the lot at the request of the owner or police officer. "Wrecked vehicles" means those vehicles that cannot be driven, and must be towed to the lot.

    Table 6.80.550(B)(1)

    Towed Wrecked
    Straight Trucks and Vans: $275.00 $350.00
    Tandem-Axle, Not Loaded: 320.00 395.00
    Tandem-Axle, Loaded: 345.00 425.00
    Recreational Vehicles:
     25 Feet & Under in Length: 275.00 340.00
     Over 25 Feet in Length: 375.00 450.00
     Buses (Large): 375.00 450.00



    Additional Fees.


    Hourly rate for necessary preparation or removal of bumpers, drive shafts before towing is possible, and reconnection after towing is one hundred forty dollars per hour.


    Labor rates after first hour for wrecker and driver:


    Class B wrecker, per hour ..... $215.00


    Class C wrecker, per hour ..... $315.00


    Class C rotator, if needed, per hour ..... $415.00


    When wreckers are required to wait at the scene for functions to be performed by others (e.g., emergency personnel), waiting time charges may not exceed one-half the allowable labor rate.


    When the use of outside labor and equipment is required, wrecker company charges may include not more than an additional thirty-five percent charge.


    When the use of air bags is necessary under special recovery circumstances, an additional rate of five thousand dollars may be charged.


    Wrecker companies are authorized to charge a fee of fifty dollars for any winching performed over fifty feet off the road way.


    Other Rates.


    Recovery of vehicle submerged in water: $315.00 per emergency vehicle needed for Class A.


    Storage rates, per day (after first two hours
    on the lot):


    Motorcycle, ATV ..... $25.00


    Mower, miscellaneous equipment ..... $25.00


    Car ..... $30.00


    Tractor ..... $60.00


    Motor home, 26 feet and under in
    length ..... $50.00


    Motor home, more than 26 feet in
    length ..... $60.00


    Tractor-trailer, commercial bus, house
    trailer ..... $60.00


    Boat, under 19 feet in length ..... $30.00


    Boat, 19 to 26 feet in length ..... $40.00


    Boat, more than 26 feet in length ..... $50.00


    Additional charge for recovery and storage of vehicle burned by fire ..... $250.00


    Set out fee: $35.00 or proof of insurance in full force and effect.


    For all vehicles over ten thousand pounds gross vehicle weight which are burned or completely off the roadway and for vehicles which are submerged in water, charges in addition to the above rates may be added for cargo transfers, waiting time or handling of hazardous material.


    Labor charges for operation of the nonconsent emergency wreckers shall not start until after the first hour. Hourly rates can only be charged for nonconsent emergency wreckers in use or ordered to wait by a law enforcement officer.


    Use of Class C emergency wreckers or cranes in nonconsent situations must be approved by a superior officer.


    All licensees who engage in the business of towing vehicles from public or private property shall post a notice on each vehicle, in letters not less than two inches high and appearing in a legible manner on the boom or rear of the wrecker as follows:


    C-Class drop fee ..... $175.00

    If the owner or operator of the vehicle is present and removes the vehicle to be towed from the premises before it is connected to the towing vehicle, the owner or operator shall not be charged any fee. If the owner or operator of the vehicle is present after the towing vehicle has been connected to the vehicle to be towed, the vehicle shall not be towed, but the owner or operator of the vehicle shall be liable for a reasonable fee not to exceed fifty-five dollars, in lieu of towing, provided the owner or operator of the vehicle forthwith removes the vehicle from the premises. A vehicle shall be deemed connected if every procedure required to secure the vehicle to the wrecker or wrecker equipment so that the vehicle may be safely towed has been completed at the time the owner or operator arrives, including the attachment of any safety chains.

    Vehicles over seven thousand pounds: C-Class drop fee ..... $140.00


    Rate Schedule for Non-consent Towing from Private Property. Any towing and storage firm engaged in the business of non-consent towing shall not charge the owner of any towed vehicle or personal property in excess of the following rates.




    Vehicles under seven thousand pounds GVWR ..... $155.00 maximum


    Vehicles over seven thousand pounds GVWR: ..... $375.00 maximum


    Length of 25 feet and under ..... $275.00 maximum


    Length over 25 feet ..... $375.00 maximum

    The towing fee shall be all inclusive; no additional fees may be charged for using dollies, trailers, lifts, slim jims or any other equipment or service, or for mileage.


    Storage. The maximum fee for storage of any vehicle removed from private property is forty dollars per day. No storage fee may be charged for cars or pickup trucks stored two hours or less.


    In addition to the rates authorized above, wrecker companies are authorized to charge a one-time administrative processing fee of thirty-five dollars for any car remaining in storage on the company lot for twenty four hours, to offset direct costs for notification of the owner or lienholder as required by state law, and an additional twenty-five dollar administration processing fee for each additional notification sent to the owner or lienholder as required by law.


    In the event the interior of a salvageable vehicle will be exposed to the elements, wrecker companies are authorized to charge a one-time fee of forty dollars for materials and labor associated with wrapping a vehicle to protect the interiors.

(Amdt. 1 to Res. RS2018-1036 §§ 1—5, 2018; Res. RS2018-1036 §§ 1—5, 2018; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2017-984 §§ 1—5, 15, 2018; Ord. BL2017-984 §§ 1—23, 2018; Ord. BL2012-332 §§ 1—24, 2013; Ord. BL2008-284 §§ 1—24, 2008; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2006-1094 § 2, 2006; Ord. BL2006-1094 §§ 1, 2, 2006; Amdt. 1 with Ord. BL2004-435 §§ 2—14, 2005; § (4) of Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2000-247, 4/18/00; Ord. BL2000-24, § 21, 2000)